Take Action on the Supreme Court ethics!

The American People deserve a Supreme Court that is fair, ethical, and free from political influence.

That’s why Congress must pass the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act (SCERT). This bill would impose ethical rules on all Supreme Court justices to ensure that the highest court in the land is not held to the lowest ethical standards. In particular, SCERT would:

  • Create meaningful and enforceable ethics guidelines for the Supreme Court by establishing a binding code of conduct for all of the justices and clarifying and strengthening the justices’ duty to recuse themselves from cases in which they have conflicts of interest and requiring public disclosure of those conflicts.
  • Mandate that, at a minimum, the justices adhere to the same gift, travel, and income disclosure standards as Members of Congress.
  • Impose a duty on justices to know their own and their family’s financial and other interests that could be substantially affected by cases before them.

As of the time of this blog, our senators have not signed on as co-sponsors of this critical bill, nor has Rep Schrier signed on as a co-sponsor of the House version. Let’s make sure they hear from their constituents that this issue is important to us.

See the Indivisible National’s Senate call script here: https://indivisible.org/resource/tell-your-senator-hold-corrupt-supreme-court-accountable

See the House call script here: https://indivisible.org/resource/tell-your-representative-hold-corrupt-supreme-court-accountable

Thank you for taking action!