We are a grassroots community committed to electing progressive leaders, saving our Democracy, and defeating MAGA extremism.
We fight for economic equity, voting rights, immigration reform, gun safety, a healthy environment, racial justice, and reproductive rights.

Another HR 9495 ask for those who can

Thanks to our calls, Rep. Kim Schrier changed her vote on the non-profit killer bill (HR 9495) when it came back up for a second vote last week. The bill passed the House, but thanks to constituent calls, Kim joined 33 other Dems and changed her vote to nay, for a total of 183 Democratic reps voting to oppose it.  Now we need to continue the fight in the Senate!

We Choose to Organize!

Democracy has suffered, and democracy will suffer more, but importantly — democracy is not dead. The fight for democracy continues if we continue it.A fascistic ruling party craves obedience, acquiescence, and a sense of...

Let’s WIN this.

With 8 days to go, folks like Leah and Ezra keep saying “I would much rather be us than them. Let’s keep doing more and worrying less, and go out and win this thing, together!”

Here are some great ways to bring progressive victories in swing states and here in Washington! Just choose one or two things!

Margin of Error or Margin of Effort?

As the general election looms large in all of our minds these final weeks, Indivisible co-founder Leah Greenberg had this response when asked by Chris Hayes what Indivisible is recommending that people do if...