Whose House? Our House!

Way back in 2017, this is where we began – fighting for CD-08 because it was essential to take back the US House of Representatives. Let’s do it again!
Last January, the Indivisible WA8 Advisory team met in Seattle with Ezra Levin, co-founder ofIndivisible. He confirmed that we cannot afford to lose this seat to Republicans or we will be in dire trouble of losing the House again. This means doing everything we can to re-elect Kim Schrier!

Every contact we have with friends and neighbors, and at canvasses or phone banks, is an opportunity to share why we support her into our friendly conversations.
Here are Kim’s accomplishments and where she stands on the issues that are important to our neighbors across the district:
- Abortion – Kim is only one of two pro-choice women doctors in Congress. She believes every woman has the right to make their own decisions about abortion and IVF and supports passing a bill to establish a national right to abortion. She has been endorsed by Planned Parenthood Action Fund.
- Safety – Kim has passed laws to support training and resources for our local police because everyone deserves to feel safe in our communities. She has fought to bring back millions of dollars for body cameras to King and Chelan counties to promote officer safety and transparency.
- Economy – Kim will continue to work across the aisle to lower costs by reducing utility bills, making housing more affordable, and taking on large corporations that price gouge customers. She has earned the endorsement of the WA State Labor Council.
- Environment – Kim voted to support the most consequential climate bill in history that will expand clean energy, create good jobs here in CD8 and conserve public land. She is endorsed by the League of Conservation Voters and the Sierra Club.
- Healthcare – Kim was instrumental in passing the law that capped insulin at $35 for seniors, allowed Medicare to negotiate for lower prices, held drug companies accountable for price gouging and lowered insurance premiums for Washingtonians with ACA coverage
What to know about Kim’s Opponent
As we said in our newsletter about Bill Ramos, it’s most effective to focus on the candidate you support and not on the opposition. But, in case friends and neighbors ask who is running against Kim, it’s important to know the basics.
Here are a few things about Kim’s opponent, Carmen Goers:
- At 44% of the primary vote, Goers won way too many votes for comfort given that she spent very little money on the election.
- Unlike previous MAGA opponents, Goers presents herself as a moderate. This means that Independents may be inclined to vote for her. But, if she wins, she helps Republicans retain control of the House.
- Reinforcing her public persona as a supposedly moderate politician, Goers has been endorsed by the Log Cabin Republicans, Mainstream Republicans of WA, and KC Police Officers Guild. But, if elected, who will she caucus with in Congress? The Republicans
SO – are you ready to help Kim Schrier win?
- Get your postcards written and ready to mail!
- Sign up for phone banks scheduled every Thursday and Sunday @5pm
- Watch for canvassing opportunities to start up again in a couple of weeks – decide your commitment and sign up when they come online!
Haven’t phone banked or canvassed before? No worries! Training and support will be available and you can be paired up with an experienced canvasser who will show you the ropes!
We have been here before!
We elected Kim in 2017 and re-elected her again in 2019 and in 2021.
We were made for this and we know what it takes!
Presidential and Governor Debates Tuesday!
Make plans to watch Tuesday’s debates!
The Presidential debate will be hosted by ABC at 6 pm, and the Governor’s debate will be hosted by King 5 TV at 8 pm following presidential debate coverage. Both of these debates will also be streamed online and by other media partners. Find the details on our Calendar