Plan to start strong in 2024!

Our TakeAction team will not be posting action items the week of December 25th.

2024 is a big election year — We need to protect progressive gains in Olympia from the “Let’s Go Backwards” initiatives, and fight for a trifecta in DC.

Here are your first opportunities to take action in the new year!

January 6th – Defending Democracy Rally – 10 am – noon

We cannot forget how close we came to losing our democracy two years ago on January 6th. Hateful MAGA Trump followers led a violent insurrection and we must make sure those who encouraged, aided and abetted them are held accountable. We will be sign waving at Front Street and Gilman, then marching down Front Street. Facebook event link:

January 8th – Legislature Opens – Sign up for TAN if you need to

In addition to passing bills that didn’t get done in the first part of this session and generating the supplemental budget, the Legislature will have to decide how to respond to several “Let’s Go Backwards Washington” initiatives filed by right-wing activists. We need your voice in Olympia to protect and advance our progressive policies, and the Take Action Network (TAN) makes it easy!

If you have not signed up for TAN, just click on this link and then click on our logo (or the logo of the Indivisible group you identify with the most). Tell TAN what your highest priorities are, and you will get updates on opportunities to take action!

Learn more about new features TAN from the Washington Indivisible Podcast here: and see the new user guide videos here:

January 13th – Community Meeting – Join us at the Salmon Hatchery

Our next community meeting will be January13th at 10 am at the Issaquah Salmon Hatchery Classroom. We hope to see you there!