We are a grassroots community committed to electing progressive leaders, saving our Democracy, and defeating MAGA extremism.
We fight for economic equity, voting rights, immigration reform, gun safety, a healthy environment, racial justice, and reproductive rights.

Project 2024 is Launching!

Indivisible National is launching Project 2024 for this election season. Project 2024 is what we do to prevent Project 2025 from becoming a reality. If we want a country where everyone’s freedoms are protected,...

Keep our CD BLUE

Introducing Smallactions

Keeping the CD-8 blue is going to be the priority for our chapter in November. Please join us! If you haven’t been involved in politics before or don’t know how to get started, Carol...

An image of the state house in Olympia with the caption "Find your town hall!"

Find Your Town Hall

As we get into the end of this brief session, our legislators need to hear from us! The Washington House Democrats website has a handy list of town halls here. I haven’t found a...

A picture of the Issaquah Salmon Hatchery classroom with text: Special guest speaker! Community Meeting, Febrary 10th at 10:00

Join us for our next community meeting

Our next community meeting will be Saturday, February 10th, 2024 at 10:00 am at the Salmon Hatchery. We have a very special guest speaker planned, so come a little early if you can to meet them!

First Cut Off Date is Coming Soon!

Check TAN frequently and call or send emails to lobby our representatives in Olympia to move bills out of committee that need to make this first cut off date coming up on Wednesday! Your...

Get the word out!

Indivisible is offering lots of opportunities to hone your messaging skills this week. On Wednesday, there is a Truth Brigade double-header First, hone your Disinfo-Busting skills with the Truth Brigade monthly peer workshop at...

Take Action in Olympia!

The legislature is going into its second week of a 60 day session with lots of bills under consideration. The Washington Indivisible Legislative Action team, which includes 3 volunteers from our own WA CD-8...

Join us Saturday for our Community Meeting!

Our first community meeting of 2024 will be Saturday at 10:00 am at the Salmon Hatchery. Please come join us! The full agenda is still being created, but we expect to have Good News...

We Remember January 6th

Thank you to everyone who came out for our January 6th Rally to Defend our Democracy. We waved signs, marched, and rallied to remember how important our democracy is and how fragile. Let’s keep...